Air Conditioning and Trash Disposal

Please use the air conditioner and floor heater properly to avoid excessive charge.

Do not use it with windows open. (But it is OK for brief ventilation)

1. How to operate floor heater (3 different types)

The top right button is the power button, so it must be on.

The bottom right button is to turn on hot water..

You can turn the dial in the center clockwise to turn on the floor heating.

The two buttons on the left are for scheduling and display mode.


The top button is to turn on and off the heater.

The following two arrow buttons are to control the floor temperature.

The fourth button is to turn on hot water (low-medium-high)

The fifth button is for auto-control, and it is not recommended to turn on.

The bottom button is to suspend the heating temporarily.

The top left button is to turn on and off the floor heater.

The two arrow buttons are to control the floor temperature.

The top right button is to turn on hot water, and it must be always turned on.

The button below it is to control the water temperature.

The two buttons at the bottom are for auto-control and not recommended to use.

The floor heats up and cools down slowly, so please be patient until it gets warm.

Please keep running the heater at the low level all the time in cold winter for a more efficient use.

2. Trash Disposal

Please dispose of trash and recyclables separately at the trash site. 

Plastic bottles must be flattened, and all recyclables should be disposed of without bagging. Garbage site is under video surveillance 24/7, and violators are punishable by up to 1 million won by the government.

Disposal site is located between the main building with the office and the building next to it. It is usually behind the van parked there.